Public sector records management
Providing an effective records management service in the Public Sector is probably one of the biggest challenges in the industry.
There is an enormous volume of records, expectations are high, and resources are not as plentiful as in the private sector.
Government legislation such as the Freedom of Information Act and the Environmental Information Regulation legally obliges public authorities to supply any requested documentation within 20 working days of the request. This means it is vital for public sector organisations to have a high quality records management system in place to ensure any requested file, record or information can be quickly retrieved.
Access Records Management’s cataloging services will help ensure the quality of data associated to confidential archives enable the highest standards of accuracy in both the retention management and speed of the retrieval process. We have worked with public sector organisations in order to deliver both cost-effective and operationally-efficient records management systems, fulfilling their need to store historic documents, possibly for many years, and this was delivered with our normal high commitment to quality and service levels.