Confidential waste disposal
Access Records Management offers secure, confidential waste disposal to all kinds of businesses.
Most businesses will be aware of the need for confidential waste disposal, but few businesses understand exactly how important it is. When you dispose of documents in the correct fashion, you at once comply with your legal obligations, create time to focus on more operationally important tasks, and give your customers much-needed peace of mind.
Why confidential waste disposal?
The most obvious reasoning for confidential waste disposal is that it’s legally mandated by the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA), the EU General Data Protection Regulation, and various other items of national and international legislation. Fail to destroy a customer or employee’s private information by the time you’re supposed to and you can face escalating fines – and if these fines are allowed to accumulate, they can threaten your cashflow, your growth plans, and your company itself.
For example, according to the DPA and Section 5 of the Limitation Act 1980, certain HR records can be kept for a maximum six years after they’ve been created. If you don’t dispose of an ex-employee’s P45 in good time, you could be in violation of the law.
On the other hand, section 248 of the Companies Act 2006 dictates general company records, for example minutes of board meetings, should be kept for a minimum of ten years after the date of said meeting – this is a legal requirement – but likewise these aren’t documents you want falling into the wrong hands after the expiration period and will require shredding services.
But there are more reasons to take it seriously than mere compliance. With high-profile cyber-attacks seemingly now the norm, everyone’s more sensitive to the problem of information security. Clients, customers, and employees view the mishandling of their confidential waste as a serious issue, and failing to appropriately handle their data can damage your relationships, your reputation, and your bottom line. Confidential waste disposal ensures you reassure the relevant stakeholders that you take their security seriously.
Finally, not destroying documents can be expensive. The room you reserve for unnecessary employee, customer, and general company records is space that could be used for an additional office or a recreation room. The time you spend categorising and filing documents that need to be destroyed is time you could be using for other priority business tasks. Storing documents you need to retain offsite and destroying documents that you don’t need to retain saves you money and resources.
Why Access Records Management?
Confidential waste disposal can be daunting for companies who are struggling to manage their records. How do you know what to keep and what to destroy? How can you destroy sensitive information in a way that complies with the law and satisfies your customers?
At Access Records Management, our professional, secure confidential waste disposal service takes care of documents, CDs and DVDs, magnetic types, and many other kinds of storage media that contain sensitive information – we make sure you remain compliant with UK and EU legislation. We can also help you create retention and destruction schedules, and a comprehensive, cost-effective waste disposal policy.
What’s more, as a records management service, we’re capable of storing your documents securely as well as destroying them.
To discuss your confidential waste disposal needs, get in touch with one of our specialists today.