If you work for a large company that handles its records management in house, specialised records management software is worth investing in: it can help you manage your information better and ensure compliance with statutory retention periods.
However, it’s more commonly used by professional document storage companies to track and manage records for clients, which are typically smaller businesses with plenty of important records, but not the in-house resources to keep them under control.
One of the most important aspects of records management is making sure that you remain compliant with statutory retention periods. Keeping compliance means keeping on top of a lot of information – something which is made much easier by using records management software.
Here’s a quick overview of the most popular records management software on the market.
O’Neil Software
O’Neil Software is the first choice of records management software for thousands of records centres all over the world. The solution tracks multiple types of data including traditional storage boxes, file folders, documents and tapes; from deposit to destruction, work order to invoice. O’Neil Software is also known for its handy barcode tracking, wireless handhelds and mobile app.
It offers the right mix of sophisticated functionality, advanced technology and scalability to use for businesses of all sizes. That’s why we use O’Neil Software here at Access Records Management.
Infolinx records management software allows you to track and manage the entire lifecycle of enterprise records, from physical records to digital files, from one application. Infolinx also allows you to migrate your data from legacy systems and build the records management solution that meets the unique needs of your organisation.
Infolinx can provide physical records management, digital content management, file tracking and it integrates with leading solutions such as Laserfiche, Microsoft SharePoint, and NetDocuments.
The OpenKM Records Management System controls the creation, reception, maintenance, utilisation and disposition of records, including processes for capturing and maintaining evidence of and information about business activities and transactions in the form of records.
There are three main parts to the OpenKM records management software – the Tracking System, the OpenKM Disposition and The OpenKM File Plan. With OpenKM enterprise document management you have all the basics covered – you can set lifecycle management, set information governance and manage content.
Do you need records management software?
If you work for a particularly large organisation, you may choose to implement a records management software solution to keep track of your enterprise’s documents.
However, smaller businesses are better placed to work with a professional records management service that uses one of these software solutions – that way, you’ll know that your records are in safe hands.
If you feel you need help finding the right records management solution for your business, speak to one of our team today.