document storage facility

4 Features of a secure document storage facility

Choosing to store your company’s sensitive documents and records offsite can save space, time and money. It can free up prime real estate to expand other parts of the business, reduce the admin demands on staff, and make the existing records system more efficient. The right document storage company should offer convenience, security and accessibility,…

defensible disposition

What is a defensible disposition?

The accumulation of electronic documents and files is reaching overwhelming volumes. Many businesses are simply over-retaining digital information, unsure what to keep, what to dispose of – and crucially, how and when to dispose of it. Failing to dispose of data in a legally defensible manner creates all sorts of problems and penalties that can…

What is a legal hold process?

If you run a small business, one thing you should know about is a legal hold process. But what is this and how can you prepare for it? Here’s everything you need to know about a legal hold. Overview of a legal hold A legal hold, sometimes also called a preservation order, is quite common…

audit records

How to Audit Records for your Business

The auditing process is a thorough examination of all of the records an organisation holds. It’s a crucial component of maintaining operational compliance: you need to audit records to ensure that your business meets all statutory document storage and destruction requirements. You can choose how many of your organisation’s documents you want to audit at…

records life cycle

Breaking Down the Records Life Cycle

What is the records life cycle? Whether your team has an in-house system or uses an outside records management service, it is important to understand the records life cycle. You want to position your organisation to best manage personnel documents, client agreements, and other records better and comply with statutory retention policies. Although there are…

Records Management Software

What is Records Management Software?

If you work for a large company that handles its records management in house, specialised records management software is worth investing in: it can help you manage your information better and ensure compliance with statutory retention periods. However, it’s more commonly used by professional document storage companies to track and manage records for clients, which…

Records Management Checklist

Your Records Management Checklist

There is nothing quite like that surge of satisfaction that comes with ticking items off a list. It could be household chores, life goals or daily to-dos – but with each tick, comes a feeling of accomplishment and completion. A list is also a great way to break down what needs to be done into…

Records Management

What is a Records Management System?

What is a records management system? To answer this question, you need to first understand what it’s not. Most importantly: it’s not just a document storage solution. Document storage is an important – integral, even – part of the records management process: by making it easier to organise, store, and retrieve key items, it reduces…